More than 12 miles of District stream banks have required stabilization using rip rap, gabions, concrete liners, or bio-engineering methods. We have completed projects in Lincoln, Plattsmouth, Hickman, Ashland, and other areas of the LPSNRD.
This project includes building dams that reduce flood damage providing flood storage and grade stabilization benefits, with 124 dams constructed so far. Partners include U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Nebraska Natural Resources Commission and the Natural Resources Development Fund.
Includes a new, vegetated water conveyance channel which will contain and convey the Antelope Creek 100-year flood flows. The LPSNRD is the local sponsor that operates & maintains this US Army Corps of Engineers project. Partners for this project include University of Nebraska-Lincoln and City of Lincoln, with additional funding assistance from the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Nebraska Natural Resources Commission and the Natural Resources Development Fund.
This project consists of 60 dams, primarily flood control dams that replace inadequate bridges on county roads through the NRD's Road Structure Program. Partnering counties include Cass, Saunders, Seward, Butler, Lancaster, and Otoe.
Stream Interventions consist of 25 sites that utilize cost-sharing to stabilize streams. We do this by reducing downcutting with the installation of rock rip rap "riffle" areas to allow water to flow without causing additional erosion and bank stability problems. The LPSNRD has partnered with the City of Lincoln on many of these projects as we identify sites through the basin master planning effort.
Completed trail projects, consisting of nearly 50 miles, include the Mopac East, Oak Creek, and Homestead recreational trails.