Join Us for an Educational Open House!

Join Us for an Educational Open House!

March 25, 2024

OPEN HOUSE: All Waverly area residents, businesses, landowners, and producers!

WHEN: April 15th – 5:30-8:00 PM

WHERE: Waverly Community Center (Jaycee Park, 11120 N 141st St, Waverly, NE 68462)

*Family friendly event including food, activities and valuable information for you and your community!



Please join us for a family friendly open house and education event on April 15th from 5:30-8:00 PM at the Waverly Community Center as we celebrate National Clean Water Week, focusing on practices that can help reduce the nitrogen load affecting the area's groundwater supply.

All Waverly area residents, landowners, businesses, and producers are encouraged to attend as we provide information and best management practices (BMPs) to reduce the amount of excess fertilizer that leaches and migrates down towards the aquifer, which is the main source of water for the public water supply wells.

Ingesting water with elevated nitrates levels over an extended period of time can cause a whole host of health issues, especially in infants, pregnant mothers, elderly individuals, and people with underlying health conditions.

In addition, if we are unable to reduce the nitrogen load within the City’s Drinking Water Protection Area, Waverly will be forced to install a costly water treatment facility to reduce the nitrate levels before distributing water to its customers. Installing such a treatment center would increase monthly water bills and annual taxes. Stricter water restrictions could also eventually be imposed.

Ultimately, the goal for Waverly is to stay below the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) threshold of 10 PPM to avoid the need for a water treatment plant and triggering the values that justify a Phase-2 Management Area, which is currently located less than two miles from Waverly’s current Drinking Water Protection Area delineation.

But it’s not too late, as long as we act now! We need to be more intentional in how we treat our community drinking water protection areas by implementing (BMPs) for both urban and agricultural areas. For example, reducing fertilizer use, soil testing, sprinkler timers, cover crops, and nutrient management are all proactive choices that can make a huge difference.

So, join us, and speak with our vendors and presenters to learn more about how you can help do your part and make a positive impact for your community and its citizens to lower the nitrogen load.



Goals & Objectives

Agricultural BMPs:

  • Cover Crops
  • Nutrient management
  • Soil Sampling
  • Irrigation water management
  • Locating and decommissioning abandoned wells

Urban BMPs:

  • Reduced Fertilizer, Sprinkler Timers, Soil Testing, Lawn/Landscaping Changes
  • Upgrade Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS)

Presenters / Vendors

LPSNRD - Nitrate Concentrations/Water Quality and current actions

City of Waverly - Drinking Water Protection Management Plan Overview

Addressing Water Quality - LPSNRD & NRCS Cost Share Opportunities

UNL Human Health and Nitrate

UNL Soil Health/ Current Research/Highboy Cover Crop Project

Sentinel Fertigation

Know Your Well/Vadose Zone

EA Engineering – Verification Studies