Press Release Update - Connect MoPac
Press Release Update - Connect MoPac
Contacts: Will Inselman, LPSNRD,, 402.432.5727
Andrea Gebhart, JEO,, 605.212.0523
Community members invited to provide input before routes are identified.
CASS COUNTY, NE – The Lower Platte South Natural Resources District (NRD) and Cass County kicked off a series of community workshops today to gather area input before identifying potential routes to complete the MoPac East recreational trail to the Lied Platte River Bridge.
“Any route and all ideas are on the table at this point,” said Will Inselman, NRD Resources Coordinator. “Our goal is to engage the community early and often in the planning process for the trail. This workshop series is our first step in making that happen – before any lines are drawn on a map.”
Area residents and stakeholders are invited to sign up for one of five workshops between today and March 14 to provide input on the connector trail study, which is wrapping up its discovery phase. No formal presentations are planned for the workshops. Those interested may come and go at their convenience. The opportunity for online comment will be available after the workshops. A full list of dates, times and locations are posted, along with RSVP forms, on the study website.
The State of Nebraska has reserved $8.3 million to complete the recreational trail in Cass County. The larger trail, which connects Lincoln, Omaha and several communities in between, has been identified as potential connector for the Great American Rail-Trail network in Nebraska.
The NRD and Cass County hired JEO Consulting Group and Toole Design to conduct the study through 2024. After evaluating the input and ideas received at the workshops and performing technical and feasibility analysis, the study team will present up to four route alternatives for public review this summer. The proposed routes will connect the MoPac East from the Elmwood and Wabash areas to the Platte River.
“The study is really a blank-slate opportunity for Cass County residents and trail users to be involved in identifying the best trail route. It balances the needs and interests of all stakeholders,” said Andrea Gebhart, JEO project manager for the study. “If you haven’t signed up for a session yet, please don’t miss this opportunity.”
For more information about the MoPac East Trail Connector Study Workshops, please visit
The NRD is comprised of a six-county area in southeastern Nebraska. Guided by a vision to protect the natural resources of the area for future generations, it operates and maintains 200 flood control dams, 13 miles of levees, 12 miles of urban stream channels, 50 miles of trails, nine wildlife management areas, 11 public wetlands and monitors groundwater quantity and quality.