Homestead Trail
Homestead Trail
The Homestead Trail corridor stretches approximately 60 miles, from the edge of Lincoln, south to Marysville, Kansas. A link is planned to the Homestead National Monument, near Beatrice. Several entities own stretches of the corridor and are responsible for maintenance. The portion of the corridor owned by the Lower Platte South NRD begins one-half mile south of Saltillo Road and continues south to Cortland. The Homestead Trail is an extension of the City of Lincoln's Jamaica North Trail.
Users will pass through a diversity of habitat types including upland, grassland, floodplain, cropland, timber and pastures. The vegetation provided within the corridor is occasionally the only wildlife habitat for several miles of intensely cropped areas. Small parcels of native vegetation exist along this corridor and reflect in a small way what existed within this landscape just a short 100 years ago.
Homestead is a shared equestrian trail, meaning there is no natural-surfaced equestrian trail in the corridor, but equestrian users are permitted to use the crushed limestone surface. Other trail users need to be cautious around horses to avoid accidents.