Water Quality Management Plan

Water Quality Management Plan

LPSNRD has launched a district-wide effort to identify sources of nonpoint source pollution, issues of ground water and surface water quality, quantify and characterize them, and identify solutions. A portion of this plan will specifically address source water protection of public water suppliers. A Water Quality Management Plan will be produced through this effort, which will help the NRD protect water resources and the environment. It will also help fund any recommendations.

Several streams and lakes within the NRD have been identified as impaired due to pollutants including nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen), sediment, E. coli bacteria, pesticides, and several others. Recommended solutions will be voluntary, therefore input and collaboration from landowners, citizens, natural resource agencies, and other stakeholders is important to the NRD. This will help prioritize actions identified in the plan and provide valuable information from other perspectives. To gather this information a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and a Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) have been formed. Additionally, information will be made available through this website, social media, traditional media, and at public open houses.

Funding assistance for this plan is being provided by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ). The current project schedule and overview map are linked below. As meeting notices and other project materials are generated, they will be posted here for review. Please check back often!

An open house was held on June 22nd to introduce the public to the NRD's Water Quality Management Plan project. Download a file of seven display boards used at the open house HERE (13MB).

Overview Map

Contact Steve Herdzina at the Lower Platte South NRD by telephone at 402-476-2729 or by email at sherdzina@lpsnrd.org.