Join Connect MoPac Community Workshops in March
Join Connect MoPac Community Workshops in March
Provide input before any lines are drawn!
The Lower Platte South NRD and Cass County are working with JEO Consulting Group and Toole Design to study potential routes that would complete the MoPac East recreational trail from the Elmwood Wabash area to the Lied Platte River Bridge.
As a part of this process, our study team will be hosting several workshops in March. We would love for you to attend and provide input before any lines are drawn!
Workshops will be held March 7-14, 2024, as we engage in community-focused conversations that will help identify potential community impacts, along with solutions that balance the interests of all stakeholders.
Input gathered at these workshops will help the study team identify up to four route alternatives to be evaluated together in detail this summer. These in-person workshops serve as a great opportunity to discuss unique priorities and specific ideas for addressing community needs throughout trail design, construction, and use.
Please RSVP for the session that best aligns with your interests and feel free to drop in at your convenience. No formal presentations are planned. Opportunities to provide input will also be available online.
For a full list of workshop dates, times, and locations along with opportunities to RSVP, click the button below.
While you are there, don’t forget to join our email list to stay informed!