Waverly Lawn Management Presentation

Waverly Lawn Management Presentation

May 30, 2024

On the evening of May 28th, the LPSNRD held an educational event at the Waverly Community Center where Sarah Browning, UNL Extension Educator, presented on Low Input Lawn Management: Reducing Fertilizer and Water Use In Home Lawns.

Sarah’s presentation aims to inform and educate the communities and constituents of Lower Platte South NRD about turf grass best management practice.

There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to the amount of fertilizer and water required to grow a thriving and healthy lawn. Given the amount of rain we have received this spring along with the manageable temperatures, there hasn’t been a real need to consistently water our lawns.

When it comes to watering your home lawn, the goal is to make sure the rootzone, roughly 6 inches below the surface, is saturated which will promote healthy root growth. You can achieve this by watering heavily but less frequently and paying attention to how much moisture Mother Nature provides.

While watering deeply and infrequently can have a positive effect on your turf, watering more frequently for a shorter amount of time will lead to shallow rooting and make your lawn less resilient to extreme summer temperatures.

During spring and fall months, 1 inch of water may be enough water for 2-3 weeks (depending on weather conditions and soil moisture content) while summer months if the temperature is consistently 90◦ or above and you have heavy clay soils, it may be necessary to water up to 1-1.5 inches per week or two. Lawns with sandy soil may need 1.5-2 inches per week or two. The main rule of thumb is to pay close attention to rainfall amounts and frequently monitor your soil’s moisture content before turning on your sprinkler system.

It is also recommended to avoid watering during the daytime hours and at times when the wind is excessive, and drifting could occur. The early morning hours between 5AM-9AM or in the evening after sunset are the most ideal times to water your lawn.

Click the button below to view Sarah’s full presentation and gain more information regarding lawn watering tips, recommended mowing heights, aeration timing, and tips for fertilization success.