Sealed bids for the construction of Timber Bridge Repairs near Hickman & Elmwood, Nebraska will be received by Lower Platte South Natural Resources District (LPSNRD) office until 2:00 P.M. local time on September 4, 2024, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read.
The project work shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment for the repair of three timber bridges near Hickman & Elmwood, NE.
No pre-bid meeting will be held, but bidders are required to visit the project sites.
The envelopes containing bids shall be marked as follows: Lower Platte South Natural Resources District, c/o Mr. Mike Sousek, General Manager
Proposal For: LPSNRD Timber Bridge Repairs – 2024
Bids Received:
- Wednesday, September 4, 2024
- 2:00 P.M. Local Time
- 3125 Portia Street
- Lincoln, NE 68521
The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is Olsson. Questions should be directed to Brian Schuele, Engineer, at 402.938.2407 or
Bidding Documents may be examined at:
- LPSNRD Office 3125 Portia St., Lincoln, NE 68521
- Olsson, 601 P Street, Ste. 200, Lincoln, NE 68508
Bidding Documents must be downloaded from Questcdn.
- Quest CDN,, for a fee of $22 (nonrefundable). Once logged into the site, insert eBidDoc project number 9271249 (Lower Platte South NRD, Timber Bridge Repairs)
Bidders should take caution if U.S. mail or mail delivery services are used for the submission of bids. Mailing should be made in sufficient time for bids to arrive at the LPSNRD office prior to the time and date specified.
In accordance with the Instruction to Bidders, each proposal must be accompanied by a bid guaranty in the amount of five (5) percent of the total amount of the bid. The bid guaranty may be a cashier’s check, a certified check on a solvent bank or a bid bond made payable to the Lower Platte South Natural Resources District.
Each successful bidder shall supply a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond executed by a corporate surety licensed in the State of NE in an amount equal to 100 percent of the contract price as part of his contract.
The Lower Platte South Natural Resources District reserves the right to accept any bid which it deems most advantageous to the District, and to reject any or all bids submitted and to hold as many bids as it desires for consideration for a period of sixty (60) days after the bids are open.
Date: Published in the Lincoln Journal Star on August 15th, 22nd, and 29th.